Thursday, April 15, 2010

Suzuki Buggy For Sale

surprising slap

By Anna Maria Ress-Karl

In the canton of Zurich, the Office of Economics and Labour (AWA) has allowed asylum seekers to continue to sell the street magazine "Surprise." The ban is like a slap in the face of the 40 asylum seekers who want to burden the state, but want to make a contribution with its own power at their residence in Switzerland. The inclusiveness of "Surprise" program was not given, said the AWA.
reason is the so-called industry scheme: Asylum seekers may only be in certain areas such as agriculture, or care, but do not work in sales. Last year, granted the canton of Zurich the "Surprise"-employees a transition period. Now it is up.
The press release of the Zurich government appeared before the presentation to provide legally valid street magazine. That "Surprise" learn from the media of this decision had to be a communication blunder, which pushes people out of his head.

As Job Seekers me such a message excessively annoyed. I do feel like people who try for little money in a field that is neither attractive more lucrative. What that means, but now for the affected asylum seekers? They are definitely with the decision sent back to the asylum homes in a daily life without initiative and meaning and the function of government assistance.

What is not really integrated in the "Surprise" sales program? The asylum seekers, offering in my home town in his magazine each shopping center is, in any case already well integrated in the population. Some are one remains and exchange a few words with him. Young people greet him and ask him how he is. Is not that integration? In my view already.
Such situations are much more valuable than if the asylum-seekers among its peers in agriculture would operate. Contact with other people from diverse backgrounds, socially and professionally, is lost by banning the sale of the magazine.


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