Thursday, February 24, 2011

Reuse Mighty Leaf Tea Bags

Nöd plastered all over

text: Olaf Kühne photo: Simone Gloor

"cost optimization", "Outsourcing", "concentration of competence" and "job migration" are terms which throw the men and women economists like about him. They do not always purposefully - and so often take people who have them cleaned on the eve of the office and emptied the trash. What is a red rag to the bull in the arena are for the cost optimizer labor costs. to reduce this, it seems, takes lot of management consultants without detours into the Nirvana of the neo-liberal triumph. The consulting firm McKinsey & Company prides itself on its German website in order to bring 40 percent of its consultants' extensive experience from other companies. " Aha! Why do they have to just let go of the other 60 percent of the jobs in low wage segments?

suspect conspiracy theorists that are to be removed by pressure on the low pay other companies to customers, so they lose revenue, but increases their need for advice. Three, four quarters later - we think long term in these circles do not seem - the income statement is back in positive territory. Everything superfluous has been eliminated or at least outsourced and wages at the base for the next couple of rounds at best, frozen. But like the threatening scenario of job migration is established. Finally, Switzerland is a high-wage island, and the Asian makes it much cheaper and almost as good. Sure thing! Finally, there is no problem, low-wage jobs to shift to Asia. The Thai hairdresser can cut my hair just as well in Bangkok. My purchases in the supermarket I report by mail to China, where it pollutes the cashier my Postcard, Super Points, including, of course. The award brings to me then acquired a postman from Bangladesh directly to the front door. There he meets my Vietnamese maid.

value is the magic word. By definition, these generate only a cleaner in a cleaning company. In all other industries, it is merely a cost factor. And the wicked! Generations of economists have not yet brought ready to quantify the value of a clean job in monetary terms. Ergo, he has on the revenue side of the income statement but also lost anything. Strangely, this applies to the Feng Shui consultant who set up to clean the offices, not. But that's another story.

is now indeed no objection to an intelligent outsourcing anything. Finally, it makes sense to acquire the necessary know-how not to x-fold, but to concentrate expertise. Knowledge of environmental regulations, hazardous chemicals and the easy handling of cleaning equipment for professional cleaning company is determined to be better than the HR department of an industrial company. That the price of an external service can push easier than the wage of a salaried in-house cleaner, seems to be there for many businesses a welcome side effect. Is it the staff responsible for cleaning company in competition with hundreds of competitors. And an external cleaning woman must be seen not so often in the eye.

Yes, it's really fun to swear to economists, consultants, and the economy as a whole. But be honest: Did you during your last Greed-is-cool shopping the wages of a cashier interested?


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