Friday, February 11, 2011

Pink Tinge Drainage With Pregnancy

Hans-Jörn Arp: The courts take apart the lottery monopoly!

press release of the CDU parliamentary group Schleswig-Holstein

After the Federal Administrative Court in its landmark ruling on German gambling law of 24 has established November 2010 yesterday (09 February 2011), the Schleswig-Holstein parliament member Hans-Jörn Arp calls again a departure from the gambling addiction as a lottery monopoly Reason:

"He who holds to this opinion from the addiction as a monopoly, arguing that the sets of the ax lottery monopoly, and thus the promotion of sport, "Arp said in Kiel. The court's opinion makes explicit the advertising of lottery, and lotteries in the view. Advertising of gambling going forward should any positive content such as image or sympathy carry more advertising because it is already understood as an incentive to gamble. This should not even have a clue to the good cause of social lotteries - such as "Action Man" - are given.

"how will nor the means for the promotion of amateur sport and other charitable purposes be achieved? This is a catastrophe," said Arp. Already because of the barely noticeable reduction in advertising in recent months, the turnover of social lotteries were slumped dramatically.

The CDU MPs again demanded a return to the danger of manipulation as the reason for the lottery monopoly. "The Drawings found in the "small circle" instead, the profits are high. This is a high risk of manipulation, where, "said Arp concludes.


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