FDP Thuringia: gambling monopoly cancel
press release of the FDP parliamentary group Thuringia
Erfurt - The sports policy spokesman of the FDP parliamentary group, Marian Kopp, calls on the Government to take over the proceedings on the reorganization of gambling from a monopoly in the sports betting interval.
"With a franchise model would meet the requirements of European law, to long term, to secure the necessary financing for the sport," said Kopp. The future regime should ensure that the sports betting and online market will re-regulated. "The concession of private providers, the black market driven and market control significantly improved, so that manipulations be fought more effectively than before," Koppe is convinced.
The Youth and player protection is secured and reinforced at a high level. A consistent strategy for drug prevention solvent from the application of European law of previous regulations. A significant portion of the proceeds should be used for the sport to at least reach the level that existed prior to entry into force of the current gaming state contract, calls for Koppe. "In her position, the sports policy spokesman of the FDP parliamentary group including with DFB president Dr Theo Zwanziger agree," he said after a meeting in Berlin.
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