Thursday, February 24, 2011

Micro Fiber Vs Microsuede

Review: Digitized (Virtual Dimension / Mindcrusher Studios)

Nerds in the past were mostly as unrealistic Special charges, who excelled while on their field of expertise to call in dealing with their normal talented people, at best, as were clumsy. The mainstream has been a long time does not interest for this part of society, but it recently discovered it. The sitcom The Big Bang Theory is a good example of the mind and change of attitude to win the Nerds quite friendly features white, even if their social incompetence continues to show. In this radio play, it is not the outside world, which takes a look at the nerds, but they are the nerds themselves, who take the mickey.

digitized, the title of the radio play was first published in three parts as part of the podcast PhantasticFiction the Mindcrusher Studios and is since the 19th February was the complete version, with a maturity of approximately 38 minutes to free download.

really wanted the guys at Virtual Dimension only relaxed their new pool's roof terrace of their skyscraper ... But faster than they can understand it, they are in the midst of your greatest adventures: They are digitized! From then on, they meet many peculiarities, can be found only inside a real computer nerd. One time after time they come in extremely dangerous situations. Whether they come out ever again from the computer? And what are actually their wives? (blurb)

Markus Holler, Hagen, Hamann, Michael Sacher, Dennis Paul and Jan Haas, the members of Virtual Dimension , a group that has found itself in 1991 to demos and computer games Commodore Amiga design. Since 2005, the focus is on the radio play and the synchronization of computer games. This information, which we have detailed in the beautifully designed booklet place, are already required if you want to classify the radio play correctly. In digitized to play the force of Virtual Dimension itself rather, it is rather an exaggerated version of the computer pioneers. Other bands like Milo and Malte Mundt, Romeo Knight and Makke and Jan Obergfell complete guest appearances. inspired

That digitized content of films like Tron and classic video games, allowing one to quickly and takes it quite good note, because too many radio plays this kind available today not. The trip through the digital world is quite straightforward and fall you will soon notice that the situations were often deliberately designed so that the protagonists have ample opportunity to indulge their Nerdvokabular. Finding out about the program and understands the same generation is like the VD team that will probably find it funny when in greatest need, because you lost your reference and to be pocketed by the garbage collection threatens objects with new attributes are assigned which are stored in a class to which one in the class library has access. There is no such prior knowledge, it appears from these statements either, and is content with the Fact that a virtual car after the procedure can now fly, or scratching his head confused, because you have the feeling, listening to an almost 40-minute in-joke. Who belongs to the latter group, for which the fun is likely to keep this radio play that down as the spark jumps to a limited extent. Funny to be one of the most difficult challenges in the conversation and often the point lights in this production, not when you're not a computer nerd just.

The spokesman of the main characters make the effort, a qualitative difference to the announcers and speakers, that one has been brought to the strengthening of the mind crusher Studios , is given. Overall, this results in more digitized sounds like a fan-radio play. As long as you the background of the production does not lose sight of the thing is nothing wrong. Uncritical listeners but could get the wrong impression. Here, the production from the technical point of view, is running sour. On average and at the sound quality is nothing wrong and the soundtrack has been selected appropriately and with attention to detail. The cover is simple, but it fits the story.

digitized is a somewhat unusual radio play, but it depends primarily to computer nerds who are served by this production great. For the rest of the world of fun is much lower. This is the story too simple and the figures are not available by individual traits of the handset. It would have been better to have Virtual Dimension and its members as the basis for completely fictional characters used because it had passed all the freedom in their characterization. Unfortunately, this opportunity was not taken and the fate of the protagonists in the course of history leaves a quite unaffected. A pity


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