Sunday, December 19, 2010

Quest For The Stone Of Dreams Game

Dr. Dominique Favre - Federal judge

If authorities crime is covered up with intent, mischelt federal judge Dr. Dominique Favre again with regularly. The Judgement of 9 December 2010 under the participation of Favre, Wiprächtiger, Mathys, C. Monn proves that stands in the so-called federal-court "jurisdiction" to the right in the foreground, but its systematic perversion. The complainant put forward strong evidence to indicate that Gary Jenö in her capacity as Principal of the popular OS H. teachers has repeatedly slandered as a potential suicide and madmen to be wiped away by the federal judges with a lapidary phrase:

"One can not, however, evidence of the question."

Once again, the complainant is not taken at all seriously. Also, the fact that Gaby Jenö the teacher had shown wrongly maligned as Drohmail writer is not even mentioned on the meager two sides of the court's opinion. The arrogance of the federal judge culminating in the final sentence of the court's opinion:

"Without that, the Federal Court to all the alleged" evidence "specifically provides express would have is the complaint under Article 109 BGG be dismissed insofar as it is entering "

The federal judge give obviously in their self-indulgent arrogance even, that they ignore evidence of intent least now the question.! Who controls actually our "ehrenswerten" Federal judges? Is it correct when federal judges systematically ignore the two measly pages the facts, cover up the criminal activities of the former OS Rector systematically punish the defamation victims with CHF 2000 .-- Judgement fee additionally?

Obviously allowed in Switzerland, all officials and authorities, up to the federal judges abusing their office, without any supervisory authority takes action. The whole is then sold by our politicians as so-called "rule of law."


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