Friday, December 24, 2010

Shrimp Boil Invitations

human rights violations in the case of teacher H.

The bullying case H. teacher is unique in Switzerland. He proves to the smallest detail, as officials and authorities shy away from any meanness to a dedicated and popular teacher with all the means to destroy his professional career intent. Even the human rights by both the District Court and the Federal Court systematically violated massively

Article 3 ECHR
Based on Article 3 ECHR, no one to torture or to inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment are subjected to punishment. Object of protection, both the physical as well as the psychological integrity. According to case law of the ECHR is a degrading treatment then, when it violates the parties concerned in his dignity (ECHR 8.7.2004, Ilascu uac MDA, No. 48787/99). In the present case, the Swiss federal court may not, as stated objection that the complainant was harassed by state authorities as part of an escalation screw on and on, the entire apparatus of repression against him was driven by false claims made about Drohszenarien, an attempt was made to the complainant to psychiatrisieren, cantonal anti-terrorist unit against him was summoned, and, finally, ultimately, the public-sector employment on the grounds that the complainant refused to seek assess psychiatric and therefore the relationship of trust was so disturbed that a continuation of the employment relationship was not reasonable. In other words, the notabene at no time disputed the fact that permanently against the complainant by the state authorities, a pressure scenario, with the final goal of the termination of the employment relationship has been established, was approved by the Swiss Federal Court. The Federal Court fails to recognize here that the complainant since the spring of 2006, direct from his superiors with false allegations and suspicions have been put under continuous pressure. Such a procedure is called bullying and harassment that can be described as a degrading treatment prohibited under Article 3 of the ECHR, which must be justified by any circumstances was and is. In particular, it should be noted also that the complainant itself no reason for it has set, that has begun to make it in the bullying situation ready. That the Federal Court has protected under these circumstances, the approach of the authorities is beyond comprehension.

Article 6 ECHR
Article 6 of the ECHR protects the right to a fair trial. Including the right to a fair hearing is to be subsumed. The Court of justice to the parties' arguments and the evidence presented adequate. With the right to be heard and the right to reasons for decisions must be assessed. These principles are violated in casu. The Federal court will contact the complainant previously identified objections are not dismantled in an appropriate manner, but does readily and uncritically the argument of the cantonal court. IT CAN, the Federal Court, for example, the present and indicated bullying issue completely neglected by declaring categorically, the cantonal court had already addressed this issue, which obviously is not the case. A physical examination is not made, the complainant is apparently - by implication - labeled a troublemaker. The complainant cited evidence and explanations, such as the fact that he at no time Drohmails sent had to be bypassed without further notice. It should be noted here again and for all: The Drohmails, which were led by the competent authorities shall, to justify the fraudulent scenario simply does not exist. However, are already of the cantonal court out of context statements, for example, that even Dr. med Westdijk have mentioned that the complainant had suffered irreparable damage, or the complainant had shown towards his father short aggressive outbursts, taken without the the objections of the complainant have been checked. Apparently, the Federal Court the evidence drawn not to rate, otherwise in the case Dr. Westdijk it should have been clear that this with this statement but wanted to emphasize that the behavior is to be designated under the massive pressure of the complainant's situation almost unparalleled. As for the alleged aggressive outbursts against the father, so it should be added that the Canton doctor this only in short clause mentioned and do anyway is not obvious as this, after having run previously, there were no signs of psychiatric problems seen, are justified then should. Also a no-action with the arguments of the complainant in the field of to ascertaining numerical call to the emergency psychiatrist. Contrary to the unfounded view of the Federal Court, whose report was quite taken by the cantonal authority as essential. The federal court itself does so, moreover, by outlining the findings of the medical officer concerning psychiatric investigation are understandable, and the medical officer himself cites but in particular at alleged divergences of the assessment by the emergency psychiatrist and advice from Dr. Westdijk, that defines the report the emergency psychiatrist for his decision as a basis.

Article 8 ECHR Article 8 ECHR
protects the right of the person to respect for private life. A procedure is in accordance Article 8 para 2 ECHR only be based on a statutory basis if possible and necessary, this intervention is relatively fulfilled. Of protection is first the physical and mental integrity. The state available to seek psychiatric survey of a question asked by the authority person is certainly an invasion of privacy in the possible sense, addition, this intervention was not necessary or emergency situation by the authorities themselves had been generated. As has been repeatedly shown around the source was unfortunate development that Ms. Gaby Jeno harm to the complainant to the fullest extent possible, intentionally false allegations of alleged Betr. Self-or foreign threat in the world was, spoke of Drohmails and thus triggered the escalation also repeatedly outlined screw with the attempted psychiatrization and absolutely unjustified raid of the property by an anti-terrorist unit. At this screw was with an invitation for examination by the medical officer, followed by - shot and subsequent call for further psychiatric assessment with renewed dismissal - formally invalid termination. Despite these immense pressure situation - even by the medical officer - no signs of mental illness with appropriate disability seen as moreover by Dr. Westdijk was confirmed accordingly. The already presumed ability to work was therefore refuted contrary to the Federal Court in any way by any incidents, the Federal Court and the Cantonal Court shall, therefore, a mental error, present when both, the aim was to clarify the working capacity of the complainant. Based on the previously outlined initial position can evidently be gone just about anything, that the complainant wanted to get rid of the one that can write medically unable to work. Under these circumstances, it was for the complainant, who was the victim of a real psychological terror, of course, no reason, a psychiatric Evaluation to accept. The corresponding instruction accordingly has infringed the right to respect for private life, which is why the subsequent termination of employment was not justified.

In conclusion, accordingly, in this case violated various guarantees of the Convention. This injury is to identify and to instruct the Swiss Confederation to change by a corresponding revision of the decision of the Federal Court Judgement. Eventualiter the complainant a reasonable compensation must be aligned. Based on the fact that, ultimately, by the method of the professional existence of the complainant had been destroyed, compensation will of CHF 1,000,000 .- as appropriate. In addition, the Board of the defendant court costs and attorneys' fees shall provide the complainant.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Quest For The Stone Of Dreams Game

Dr. Dominique Favre - Federal judge

If authorities crime is covered up with intent, mischelt federal judge Dr. Dominique Favre again with regularly. The Judgement of 9 December 2010 under the participation of Favre, Wiprächtiger, Mathys, C. Monn proves that stands in the so-called federal-court "jurisdiction" to the right in the foreground, but its systematic perversion. The complainant put forward strong evidence to indicate that Gary Jenö in her capacity as Principal of the popular OS H. teachers has repeatedly slandered as a potential suicide and madmen to be wiped away by the federal judges with a lapidary phrase:

"One can not, however, evidence of the question."

Once again, the complainant is not taken at all seriously. Also, the fact that Gaby Jenö the teacher had shown wrongly maligned as Drohmail writer is not even mentioned on the meager two sides of the court's opinion. The arrogance of the federal judge culminating in the final sentence of the court's opinion:

"Without that, the Federal Court to all the alleged" evidence "specifically provides express would have is the complaint under Article 109 BGG be dismissed insofar as it is entering "

The federal judge give obviously in their self-indulgent arrogance even, that they ignore evidence of intent least now the question.! Who controls actually our "ehrenswerten" Federal judges? Is it correct when federal judges systematically ignore the two measly pages the facts, cover up the criminal activities of the former OS Rector systematically punish the defamation victims with CHF 2000 .-- Judgement fee additionally?

Obviously allowed in Switzerland, all officials and authorities, up to the federal judges abusing their office, without any supervisory authority takes action. The whole is then sold by our politicians as so-called "rule of law."

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Citizen Bank Manchester Nh Routing #

Peter Zihlmann - Justice critic

Zihlmann Peter, formerly a lawyer and judge, is now a successful author and judicial critics. In his latest book, Judge Hart's final recordings for the Basel judicial affair, he brings it to the point:

"In fact, there are always situations occur in which we doubt whether even the law prevails in our country or whether it only seems it is and we have long been infiltrated by the Mafia or a related criminal organization. "

"And what shall we think of a justice system that will not even know what happened? Where the dirt eventually be covered and be no longer available will be negated?

also bullying case to fit the teacher described by H. Zihlmann system. This weblog is however not at the surface. It covers the machinations of the Basel Machtfilzes to consistently called names and reports on facts, which the officials and authorities to conceal and cover up happy. Judicial review is only effective if the whole truth is revealed without mercy. The "truth" of the ladies and gentlemen of the Behördenfilz is as real as the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus! Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Bow And Arrow Windows 95 For Vista

Christmas - Gifts

Where it's so beautiful Christmas in Germany, nor are some of Betty's Sugar Dreams Geschenketips! So who is still looking for a suitable tip for crazy cake may have to look again here:

first Congratulations to Betty's! In magic of Christmas cakes a gleam in the eyes! From classic with holly and bow up with funny funny Christmas Figures! Sorry, not suitable for shipping, ready to order but in Hamburg / folk village to pick You!

second Betty's Cake Design Basics book should be in every rule books of bakery and cake lovers! is more info about the book is also available here:

third A course at Betty's: Hamburg is always worth the trip and the base course can be combined perfectly with a short break in this beautiful city

4th Kittel was yesterday, now it Schürzli: funny aprons, do not look "dusty"! For men, there is a small assortment!

Betty's wishes a nice second Advent!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Do Air Purifiers Work

"öppis avenged"

text: Olaf Kühne photo: archive "of the labor market"

"Mach s' KV, Dänner Rabbat öppis avenged!" How many parents with this call this year her seeking apprenticeships offspring the Advent spoil, I do not know. They did it but even when I am mid-eighties made it to find the body for life. Today, 25 years later, I can say that it does not exist for me. For I have followed him, this parental advice to professional happiness. I have not only enjoyed a business education. I have done so even in a rock solid state operation. Probably today I would be there in a senior position and would be every 25th of the month on a five-figure sum forward to my account. And just as I'd probably ask me every morning and again how many days it takes for even up to my hotel. And I can even understand them, the parents who want their kids for a secure job with a reassuring earnings. We tend to forget in our quest for material security, however, that 50 years in a job that does not make us happy, can be a damn long time.

During my last Employer, I had the opportunity during the annual taster weeks, the 15-year-old candidate for a coveted apprenticeship KV-half-day care of them. Allen was noted that they took to heart the advice of their teachers, guidance counselors and parents. They were neatly dressed, and had indicated an interest to almost every question an answer. "Why are you going to do the CT," I have each and every demand. "I like working with computers," it was all as from a pistol shot. "Why do you want then do not be computer scientists?" Um ... "

This will now also be no KV-bashing. Quite the contrary. The FAs, or "clerk / clerk" as the 3-year course is called correctly, is a great education. She is a good base, which opens the professionals who later many doors and offers numerous educational opportunities. If you know how fun at his profession.

people who do their jobs with passion, even though their professions are caught in the maelstrom of technological progress, we show in our current issue, in the December issue "of the labor market." The often cited farrier we did not overuse it. Grant for a television technician, a stenographer, two photo lab technician and a stationmaster insight into their daily lives. Back in 1983 would have any professional or consultant to the two photo lab technicians strongly advise against to become independent with a black and white lab. But they have listened to anyone, are still left bar of each parental reason of their true passion and can live on it. Enviable, is not it?

Where Can I Watch Hard Yaoi For Free

appeal against the decision of the First Prosecutor

H. teachers against the unlawful seizure of the evidence he intends to use in the criminal case against his boss Gaby Jeno, lodged appeals. Of course, the Chief Prosecutor Thomas Hug, with the appeal has rejected arguments specious. H. teacher knows the so-called courts from personal experience. Who is heading the legal process, loses a lot of money in Switzerland, because the judges are part of a Behördenfilzes, the abzockt primarily the citizens whose rights and occurs with feet. It is therefore not surprising that the judges of the Appeals Chamber of the Basel difficult bullied teacher in advance again CHF 600 - demands, will be discussed at all otherwise to his legal claims. H. teachers already familiar with the procedure. Without advance payment will be in Switzerland in general did not respond to appeals and complaints. Whoever believes in the rule of law and invested money, his money but never seen again. For reasons of transparency, the recourse of teacher H., published on this blog. H. teacher has to CHF 600 - saved and need not bother about the ridiculous statements of bias Appeals Commission.

Dear "independent" judges

I hereby appeal against the decision of the first prosecutor of the criminal proceedings V101111 16:11:10 003rd I have never Defamation made fight, but for several years against a Verwaltungsfilz who wants me massive systematic harm.

The confiscated items are things I need in my daily life. My agenda, my history folder, my computer and the various files are for private legal action against my former boss Gary Jeno entirely free of allegedly defamatory statements.

For these reasons, I request the immediate return of all my stolen goods without a court order. It is obvious to me that the stolen records apparently show clearly that the rule of law in the canton of Basel-City, only to paper exists. If you feel the appeal, as expected, reject the rhetorical tricks, I am forced to call a fourth time the Federal Court. Each federal court ruling exposes the known valid in Switzerland "legal system".

With kind regards

teacher H.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Jeff Hardy Short Hair 2010

time courses in 2011

Just before the start of the holiday season coming, now finally, the whole course dates for 2011! Take a look again here: Courses 2011 cake

a nice first Advent wants Betty's Sugar Dreams!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dog Scabies Will Hair Grow Back

Dr. Beat Voser - Chief prosecutor

Dr. Beat Voser prosecutor and has long dreamed of a close-knit control of the Internet. It bothers him that people who are victims of crime authorities, can spread their experiences on blogs in the known world.

At 12:11:10 H. became a teacher of detective-sergeant Bruno Glauser summoned as so-called informant. H. teachers had been vilified by a stranger on the internet libelous, whereupon H. teachers had filed a criminal complaint against persons unknown. Without batting an eyelash, Glauser claimed now, teachers H. himself was the perpetrator and it was ordered by Attorney Voser a house search. H. teacher was amazed when he was once again the victim and the perpetrator perverted, an old trick practiced by the prosecutor repeatedly systematically. However, the baffled teacher wanted Glauser betrayed not once the wording of the allegedly defamatory statements, but this was with dubious writing under pressure. H. As a teacher wanted to know who is against him Criminal complaint was filed, after all, he learned that once again Government Eymann personally behind it. Eymann was known vilified for months on the blog of the IG-popular sport as tax evaders. Interestingly, the blog has been discontinued and, after the former prosecutor Peter Zihlmann his latest book was launched, in which the family Eymann was also taken a closer look. Glauser would like to be charged to this blog to the popular and honest teacher what this but did not want to take. As H. refused to be necessary by Glauser, to accompany him on the search warrant, let Attorney Vose, completely surprised the teachers in a Cell block so that the house search and seizure without the consent of the teacher could be carried out. The teacher had to once again strip naked and give their house keys, he was in a cell with three criminals locked up really. There was only one catch: No judge had approved the action and not a neutral person supervised the search warrant, other than local police, who had also received no judicial authorization to face. DW Glauser, Det Allenspach, Benkler, Emenegger, spelled, UB Schönbucher Inf Stutz and penetrated with the stolen house keys to the house of the teacher and took what they just fell into his hands. The troops had it apart from all the computers on the teacher. Even the agenda in which teacher H. held his appointments and notes, was stolen. The intruders had great pleasure in a folder labeled "anti-Semitism" and a folder labeled "power". Also, all documents relating to private prosecution, which teacher to his boss Gary H. Jeno had brought, were confiscated.

It seems that you want to harm the massively popular teacher once again by all means. For lunch, got a teacher H. Brotweggli and a lukewarm soup. The subsequent interrogation lasted several hours. His lawyer was allowed to contact the teacher even once. Whether in the large-scale illegal Raid comes out anything, should be doubted. One thing is certain: Dr. Beat Voser has earned with his breach of the peace ordered his place of honor on this blog. H. teachers, meanwhile, is back home. He can not still believe what he has seen on Friday from 8:30 to 20:00.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Deodorant Antiperspirant

jury activity

Text: Beate Röder

Hello everyone, after
Birmingham is now over and Hamburg is around the corner, there it to report a small news.

When we were a year ago in Birmingham, we have observed the judges closely and talked with them. We wanted to get ideas and inspiration, we like the competition in Hamburg pieces may be directed as professional as possible and not just following the rules strictly British, but with all the benefits of decades of experience in England.

After many conversations as we may tread a German way we got the offer to receive one of Jenny Richards Judges training. She is a renowned author, Sugar Craft Demonstrate Erin and above all it has on the structure of the Judges Rules participated in the SPA and also with her husband's Pie Competition at the world famous Hotel Olympic competition set up. Jenny and her husband had for years as chief-judges working there.

This summer we have They then invited to Germany and we have the first part of a multi-day training (written and practical) will receive, and with it developed an evaluation plan that takes into account peculiarities of German cake art. The second part of the training we are now able to attend in Birmingham under the guidance of the Chief Judge Mr. Brian Taylor and Mr. Alan Shipman.

We had (or could ;-)) to the competition pieces in Birmingham put our knowledge to the test (which was not so simple when three so-famous people you look constantly over their shoulders ;-)) and the results of our evaluation was then discussed with Brian, Alan and Jenny. I

you can only say that we were all super excited, but it was a unique experience. For everyone who is participating this year in Hamburg, that we are really well prepared for any can evaluate your best pieces and look forward to correct this rather simple task!

you can recognize us by the way  our white coats. This was also a point that was the value placed on our training. We were encouraged us to purchase these jackets, otherwise it would not have been possible that we may judge in Birmingham. Yes, yes, the British have already  really strict rules. But for Hamburg is that each competitor and visitors clear who is one of the judges and who you can address.

And now may I introduce your jury:
Diane Lieser, Karen Burman, Jens Oprzondek, Claudia Fleig, Ute Bramer, Ursula Schröder, Chris Cooper, Bettina Schliephake-Burchardt and me. Chairwoman, we have to Bettina and Jens elected Vice Chairman.

The Jury members were selected for training and qualification, experience and skills and competition among the various techniques and cake decoration, so that each competition area is covered.

Oh, and if you wonder why on the one image, a camera man ... bring the NDR on Friday, 12 November in the show "My afternoon" a documentary about the cake show and they wanted to have our training with it. To our surprise, was also an Irish TV crew filmed us yet ....

So, this is now again become an eternally long text, but I hope I've written yet understand ;-))

Monday, November 8, 2010

F61 Error Technics Stereo

gold in Birmingham / UK

From 5 .- 7 November opened in Birmingham, UK Cake International its doors again! After I had not participated in last year's competition, I thought that it would be time once again for some adrenaline!

that therefore I'm looking for the category "Novelty Cake: novel design" decision and considered myself as a motive, something in the "Steam Punk" making style. It was a small cake (she had to come in hand luggage on the plane with) and I have decided to show them a different side - that even other faces are formed in the figures.

were a total of about 16 cakes in the category, and my little cake was gold and the first Place!!

You might want a cake on Friday, 12 November 16 clock also look at "My week" in the NDR (yes, a reporter had come to Birmingham!) And I will be there also live in the studio oder ihr kommt am Wochenende zur Tortenshow, wo die Torte auch ganz sicher mit dabei sein wird!

Last weekend the Cake International opened it´s doors in Birmingham/UK and as I didn´t compete last year, I thought it was time again for a little thrill ;) So I decided to enter the Novelty Cake: novel design devision and choose "Steampunk" for my inspiration. So this small cake (it had to treval in my hand luggage during the flight) was done in endless hours.

In total there were around 16 cakes in the same division and my cake won Gold and 1st place!!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tessalon Perles For Bronchitis

appeal in criminal matters

teacher H. lodges a complaint against the Appeal Court ruling of 2 August 2010. The decision of the Court of Appeal should be set aside and dismiss the appeal. The defendant should be ordered because Gaby Jeno several libel and defamation. All costs should be borne by the defendant.

Justification: The Court of Appeals has clarified determined that it is a libel to call an honest man as a potential suicide and potential madman and to place him, he felt like "Tschanun. However, the court said that those comments were made in 'preserving public interests "and" reasonable cause ". With this protection claim, the Basel Appeal to the offenses covered up by Gaby Jeno systematically. It is in the file clearly states that the defendant the plaintiff had already been placed under suicide intentions and Amokabsichten before the applicant could submit its comments on the case Tschanun. (Letter of 06/07/2006) It's really not about the "protection of public interests," but rather the systematic discrediting of the plaintiff. There was also never a "reasonable cause" to show the plaintiff for alleged threat to him and an emergency psychiatrist and a task force on the neck rush. The whole disgusting threat scenario is a malicious lie construct that was intentionally set by Gaby Jeno systematically in the world in order to harm the plaintiff to dismiss him and massively illegal.

evidence: Both lower courts have ignored the evidence and witnesses of the plaintiff intentionally and constructed an alleged exculpatory evidence that, in assessing of the facts is completely untenable. Fact:

first It is on record that the plaintiff has accused Jeno Gaby in their lawsuit to have written Drohmails. However, it is shown that this Drohmails definitely do not exist. (Charge sheet dated 11.8.2006)
second It is on record that the applicant has never compared Tschanun, but on the contrary has always clearly distanced from the action.
third It is on record that the applicant has never been struck violently in his life and is described in a letter even parents to be extremely popular and dedicated teacher.
4th It is on record that Gaby Jeno claimed as the only, the applicant had Tschanun felt like. Neither Claudia Gass nor Peter Gross, that the plaintiff had actually spoken about the case Tschanun, this rumor was brought into the world. (See document)
5th It is on record that Gaby Jeno had in the summer holidays in 2006 never asked about the mood of the plaintiff. If she had actually acted in "defense of public interests" and "reasonable cause", they would have as head of the applicant that at least can contact them by telephone to verify their massive charges. Obviously, however, was never even the best interests of the plaintiff in the foreground, but the intention of this fraudulently as a dangerous offender to systematically discredit.
6th It is on record that the applicant has lost his job because he Gaby Jeno fraudulently as alleged mentally ill violent offenders has been slandered. That there is a "serious breach of duty" should be, not to be dictated by a state psychiatrist examine is nowhere mentioned in the Basel Personnel Act.
7th It is on record that school psychologist Peter Gutzwiller classifies the plaintiff only as a public danger, after all this escalation is already behind him and had been released from custody was. There is not a single letter, which shows that the fraudulent action Gaby Jenö in "reasonable responsibility" is done. Gutzwiller his letter that only later wrote, proves that it previously had no reason to impute to the applicant a self or foreign threat. (Letter of 17:10:06) This is by Gutzwiller optional cover letter written by Gaby Jeno obviously the criminal acts of Gaby Jeno later.
8th It is on record that the plaintiff about everything and loves his job so now for the third time the legal process is heading to federal court. From a self-and other hazards can obviously be no question. Those who consistently strikes the courts may not as a suicide still be described as running amok. Since the applicant had taken already in his unlawful waiver of court, the defamatory statements made by Gaby Jeno were not made in "reasonable cause", but served only to discredit the plaintiff, massive, it intentionally to violate his honor and to systematically to harm.
9th It is on record that all state institutions, the psychiatric reports of Dr. Piet Westdijk systematically ignored. The report demonstrates clearly that the plaintiff had never previously been chipped or mentally incapacitated.
10th It is on record that Gaby Jenö repeatedly claimed the systematic falsehood. Even in the trial, they denied the defendant that they had caused to the plaintiff to seek psychiatric survey. (Negotiation protocol, p. 8).
11th It is on record that has never apologized Gaby Jenö the plaintiff for their malicious and disproportionate action.

From the above it is clear that Gaby Jeno has not acted in "defense of public interests" and "reasonable cause", but it has intentionally has everything to harm the plaintiff intentionally and to bully him out of his beloved profession. That Court President Dr. Marie-Louise tribe, which had already been approved the fraudulent notice, now also dealt with the criminal proceedings against the head of the plaintiff is also not legally tenable. Obviously, this massively biased judge and should have come into the strike. For this reason, the Court of Appeal is set aside and dismiss the appeal.

The Gutglaubensbeweis the defendant under these circumstances can not be provided. The defendant acted without "reasonable cause", particularly without the "protection of public interests," and mainly with the intention to accuse the plaintiff harm. For this reason, the Judgement of the Court of Appeal set aside and dismiss the appeal. The defendant is ordered to legally claim of multiple defamation and libel. Since the defendant has caused with its devious criminal complaint against the applicant to pay all costs, they should also take on all the costs.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

1990 Ski Doo Tundra For Sale

Mr. & Mrs. Froggy

Mr. Frogg married! For the "Trust you!", On 5 +6. November in Hamburg will take place, I've made this dummy cake. I myself have no standing there, I * for the "Cake" to fly to Birmingham * happy! Thus, then come Monday pictures, along with a report on the trip and also pictures of my cake competition;)

Mr. Froggy got married! I did this dummie cake for the wedding exhibition "Trust you!", Which will open it's doors 5th. +6 Th November in Hamburg / Germany. I will not have a booth there, as I'm going to Britain tomorrow! 3 days "Cake" in Brimingham on Saturday and I can show you the pics of my competition entry;

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fusor Intellifax 2820

Beat Siegenthaler - President of the voluntary school Synod

By letter dated 25th October 2010 informed Beat Siegenthaler, president of the voluntary school synod of Basel-Stadt (FSS), teachers provide cover for H. Betr. a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights. Literally, he writes:

"In your mail of September 3, you asked us to provide cover for a complaint to the European Court in Strasbourg. After your application by the management of school Frewilligen Synod was rejected fss, you have recourse in the FSS Board against this decision. At the board meeting of 21 October 2010 was handled your appeal by the Board and unanimously rejected. This decision is final. The FSS can not take any further provide cover. "

supported with this decision, the volunteer school Synod indirectly, the inhumane practices of Gaby Jenö, Peter Gutzwiller, Thomas Baer, Hans-Georg Signer and numerous other government harassment specialist. Obviously, it refers to volunteers Synod School correctly when innocent teachers of government-appointed psychiatrists are driven into unemployment. Teacher H was not on sick leave, or in fact sick, what Dr. Piet Westdijk rechtsgenüglich held in a carefully prepared report. Nevertheless, the popular teacher H. was dismissed because he refused to be IV-assessment by psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Fasnacht. That there should be a serious breach of duty when a completely healthy person chooses his own physician, is completely absurd. Nevertheless, the Federal Court held that it was a basis for termination, not to be psychiatrisieren state. These methods have so far only in totalitarian states like the Soviet Union and East Germany practiced. With the decision of the Federal Court this practice in Switzerland is legitimate. Beat Siegenthaler that provide cover for a complaint to the European Geichtshof of Human Rights in Strasbourg rejected, clearly shows what is to be the President of the voluntary school Synod. The FSS has Duch waved with their lax policies in recent years, all disabled socialist education reforms. With its decision, Beat Siegenthaler has lost the confidence of teachers Basel final.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

North Face Laundry Soap

working poor in all industries, unite!

Text: Andreas Affolter; Photo: Urs Lindt

"Why are you giving her anything," my daughter asks me slightly reproachful. Although I have tried to look away, I know what she's talking in the entrance of the shopping center is a young mother with a stroller and stretches towards the passers-palm. "That's a gypsy," says my child impressed and gives her something Coin. On the escalator I realize what has irritated me: We are Swiss not to show used to how good or how bad we are. We are all middle class: show off not the rich man with his wealth, arms concealed his material misery And if anyone still even complain about money problems, it is said immediately: ". That should stop work times right"

Such mindless sayings take the Working poor especially. The term refers to people whose wages are not sufficient to defray the living expenses. The statisticians are based on households whose members meet at least 36 hours per week employment. So they are in Switzerland to 150 000 working poor. A (n) of them I want to meet to compose a portrait. So I ask for the authority both of whom the alarming studies: universities, charities, trade unions. Very strange: a contact I can give no one within a reasonable period.

One possible explanation is that statistics exaggerate - but I venture to the seriousness of the survey no doubt. The more likely explanation is that the working poor do not come out. Who is already on a voluntary basis, he slaves away for a measly salary? And most of all: Most of the victims in so-called precarious jobs are active - that is, they do not earn very little, but have no security of employment. Working poor have always expected that the employer waived its services when they become feisty and want a raise.

The unions are demanding minimum wages and regulations for use on-demand because it is precisely for low-wage sectors hardly give collective agreements. In the long term was not a solution, that the state working poor organizing supplementary benefits, so he indirectly subsidizing lousy-paying companies.

why my call, "working poor in all industries, unite! Open your situation carefully. Together, you have opportunities, your . Interests to enforce "That could be the cleaning lady cleaning the Institute, which is responsible for the cleanliness of the shopping center, the record company logo on their coats, how much - or how little - it earns. Perhaps my daughter would say: "Daddy is how they only make ends meet?" And plugging in their loose change. If employers respond equally sensitive, the target of the protest is reached - and this not only for the individual case.

More: print version "of the labor market" 11/2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Best Foundation To Cover Rosy Cheeks

Prosecutors Basel-Stadt

The Basel prosecutor played in the case of teacher bullying H. more than inglorious role. As a teacher, H. demanded full access to the file, was laid before him a dossier, which was not complete. The strained by OS Rector Gaby Jeno criminal complaint against H. alleged threat was nowhere to be found. For good reason. Jeno had alleged in the complaint that teachers in both oral H., had to be extremely well by e-mail threats. These malicious lie was the basis for the prosecution, the completely innocent teachers, under the direction of Dr. Thomas Homberger, a psychiatrist and an emergency task force to rush to the neck. For example, Schärer of Criminal Commissioner was clear from the beginning that teachers H. "the abnormal" and that "suicide risk" can not be excluded. However, he had never seen before and H. exclusively oriented to the deliberate lies of Gaby Jenö. Together with Dr. Thomas Moser Homberger he asked the governor of UB Office Arlesheim legal assistance. Shortly thereafter, the task force sealed off the residential area of teacher Barakuda H.. In order to justify the totally disproportionate use of the special, writes property, labor inspector III Andreas Callegher later in the document, teachers have expressed to H., that he would load his gun and shoot at each would be the house would enter. In reality, the two-hour H. officially appointed emergency psychiatrist Dr. Markus players earlier in a Talk credibly explained that he had still his military pistol in the house but did not possess any ammunition. Teacher H had never aware of the fraudulent charges against him. Since there emergency psychiatrist Dr. Markus players failed to persuade teachers to H. entering a psychiatric hospital, was the special unit Barakuda ignited a further escalation. Also, the Head of Schools Hans Georg Signer, who led the task force before the attack a telephone conversation with H. teachers wanted, do not stop the escalation. If it obviously failed to disappear H. teachers without a lot of attention in a psychiatric hospital, should fully unsuspecting teachers are beaten at least media attention with a 20-member task force from his house. The escalation was by prosecutor Thomas Homberger obviously planned meticulously. To cover up the truth, "wrote prosecutor Homberger following into the record,

had" apparently told the emergency psychiatrist to Mr H. During the interview, that he was considering admission to a psychiatric hospital, which led the accused to a violent reaction .

also invented this lie is entirely free. A tape recording proves that H. teachers without "strong reaction" to the emergency psychiatrist and the police asked polite, and had to leave his house. Of course, the prosecutor, the courts of Basel and the Federal Court to systematically ignore the tape recording to the present day.

The senior prosecutor lic. Dora Weissberg tried in their decision to discontinue the plot against H. teachers to cover up intentionally. Although H. teachers had threatened never to someone, but systematically struck the courts, she put the criminal proceedings against H. teachers not to 'lack of offense "one, but" lack of sufficient evidence of the offense, especially in subjective terms. " In reality, the whole scenario of threat Gaby Jeno fictitious and lies. The fact that a prosecutor Dora Weissberg also not about the obvious non-existent "Drohmails" care proves that the prosecutor's false allegations by Gaby Jeno intentionally systematically covered up. Even prosecutor lic. iur. Eva Eichenberger, which would have the numerous criminal acts by Gaby Jeno will bring to the charge, just did the opposite. They also systematically overlooked that the alleged Gaby Jeno Drohmails, were nowhere to be found in the files. Instead Gaby Jeno legally accuse, scolded Eichenberger the righteous teacher as "troublemakers" and dared to the beleaguered teacher to his legitimate criminal charges for illegally ask the cashier.

Obviously, it is common in the Basel prosecutor to cover up criminal acts by officials and authorities systematically. That Gaby Jenö the impeccable H. teachers a "self and other hazards" imputed before it on the Internet for bullying victims Tschanun researched, covering up all the officials and authorities for up to federal court.

It is assumed that people who look behind the scenes of an unjust system, be regarded as a "threat" to the state power. This blog is very transparent. It shows clearly how all the officers involved and agencies and up to federal court their office to the detriment of teacher H. systematically abused.

OS Rector Gaby Jeno was meanwhile promoted to director of the Basel secondary education.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Windows Live Id 80048831

company holidays!

Betty makes company holidays! After a long wedding season is a short relaxation is necessary. Therefore, we are of the 22nd-31. reached in October neither by phone nor by email!

There are after photos of the "Cake" in Birmingham and I hope I will meet some of you on the cake show!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Shower Door Deflectors

Gaby Jeno - Head of the Basel secondary

Gaby Jeno is the director of the Basel I. In its secondary function as rector of the Basel school orientation, it has the dedicated and popular teacher H. repeatedly vilified as a dangerous potential perpetrators of violence and systematically bullied him into unemployment. Her of lies based on the following malicious insinuations:

first H. teachers had compared with the gunman Günther Tschanun.
second H. teachers have felt like Günther Tschanun.
third H. teachers had expressed threats of suicide.
4th H. teachers have expressed threats against their person.
5th H. teachers have a mental illness.
6th H. teachers is acute self and others dangerous.
7th Teachers have free Dr. H. Dreyfus of this secrecy.
8th H. teacher was unable to work.
9th H. teachers have destroyed the trust relationship.
10th H. teachers had never been forced by her to seek psychiatric survey.

Other files show that all these 10 fraudulent claims are outrageous lies. Unfortunately, covering up the Basel public prosecutor, the Court of Appeal and the Basel Federal court record systematically the facts. By means of deliberate perversion of cause and effect has been canceled the popular and competent teacher because of a so-called H. "serious breach of duty" after 20 years exemplary teaching. The alleged "serious misconduct" constitute the fraudulent authority of the teacher's refusal to seek sick leave by an officially appointed psychiatrist. H. teachers had to leave Dr. Piet Westdijk repeatedly assess psychiatric. This was neither a mental illness, nor notice any disability. However, the carefully crafted Westdijk-Approval by all authorities were systematically ignored. This blog documents very thoroughly as teachers of H. was a malicious bullying troops systematically forced into unemployment. The fact that even the highest judge of Basel-Stadt Dr. Marie-Louise Master (LDP) several times their fingers in the game was bad, is particularly shocking. Unfortunately, it was also criminal President lic. iur. Marc Oser (SVP) can not participate in the evil conspiracy against teachers H.. Despite four years of the worst "bullying hell" H. teacher has up to now no second thought of suicide or amok, but consistently taken legal action. This blog published the names and photographs of officials and authorities who intentionally against teachers H. numerous rhetorical and bureaucratic shootings were committed. Those who abused his power, made on Internet stocks! Authorities crime has no place in a constitutional state anything!

How Much Trinity Ring Cost

courses in 2011

Finally the dates are for 2011 and now there are plenty of 1-day classes! We would be also a gift certificate when a cake decorating course Betty's is to be given away!

The variety of courses, please refer to the flyers. All courses are provided with course numbers, you can find this again in the dates:

Course dates 2011


B01 basic course 08th +09. € 195 BOOKED

A02 Drappierung & Co.. 17. € 100 AUSGEBUCHT


A01 Eiweißspritzglasur 07 € 100

B01 Basic Training 19 20. € 195 AUSGEBUCHT


F01 spring flowers 21st € 100

B01 basic course 26th +27. € 195 BOOKED


B01 Basic Training 09 10. € 195 AUSGEBUCH T

F06 Brautpaar 04 € 100


F02 Sommerblumen 09 € 100

B01 21st Basic Course +22. € 195


F05 orchids 20th € 100

B01 basic course 25th +26. € 195


A03 Betty's 1-2-3 04 € 100

B01 Basic Training 16 17 .. € 195


F03 Herbstblumen 15 € 100

B01 basic course 20th +21. € 195


S01 wedding cakes 12.-14. € 500

B01 basic course, no exact date! € 195


F04 10th Winter Flowers € 100

B01 base price 22nd +23. € 195


B01 base rate - still no date! € 195

F07 Brush Embroidery - still no date! € 100


A04 Stenciling 12th € 100

I hope that for everyone. If you are interested in one (or several) have the courses, please contact us through our website and we will send the registration form to you.

We look forward to seeing you in 2011 at Betty's courses to be able to!

Monday, October 11, 2010

How To Give A Man An Erection

The Court of Appeals Basel-Stadt

With the ruling of 2 August 2010 demonstrates the Court of Appeal with the participation of Dr. Marie-Louise Master, Dr. Stephan Wullschleger, Dr. Heiner welfare and court clerk lic. iur. John Hermann is covered up like in the canton of Basel-City authorities systematically crime. Dr. Marie-Louise

tribe, which had been covered up as the Administrative Court President insidious bullying against teachers glossed H., now in its Appeal court office as President intentionally criminal activities of the former rector and current head of the OS secondary Gaby Jenö. To terminate their favorite teacher H. employees as illegal, fraudulent OS Rector the completely respectable teachers a so-called "self and other risks" had assumed, to imprison him on an appointed psychiatrist in the psychiatry. The plan went awry, however. Let H. teacher provoked, no consistent and trod the courts. The infamous claim that H. had teachers to a "killing spree any" able to be prosecuted by the malicious judges of the Appellate Division either as still as libel Slander pursued. Gaby Jeno have made their statements in "defense of public interests" and "reasonable responsibility." Wear it as rector of the school orientation is responsible for the welfare of pupils and teachers at their school. A possible rampage at the school would have endangered the lives and health of many people strong. That the hard bullied teachers did not think once about suicide or amok, but about four years fought by legal means against the malicious harassment, dazzle the ladies and gentlemen of the Basel Appeal systematically. The Court of Appeal arguments are deceitful and dishonest. At no Time was a teacher H. violent, bullying even when he was through legal chicanery in unemployment. By Gaby Jeno alleged in their complaint alleged Drohmails definitely do not exist. Also, teachers H. record never compared with Günther Tschanun. Richter, who lie deliberately ignore facts, witnesses refuse to cover up criminal acts, the law deliberately twisting and abusive dismissals approve, must the reproach of being itself criminal.

The fact that the severely injured in his honor by the Court of Appeal H. teachers will also condemned the legal costs of his tormentor in the amount of several Thousand to pay Franken is on perversion hardly be surpassed. The disgusting show of force of the Basel Appeal proves that crime authorities in the canton of Basel-City is not a "conspiracy theory", but a bitter reality.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Christmas Appitizer Plates

Cake Show 2010 in Hamburg

On 13 and 14 November opens the cake again show its doors in Hamburg !!!!! As in the past year, there is again a competition for design cakes in various categories (join is worthwhile in any case - even for beginners, because you at every competition a lot to learn to enjoy new experiences and it just brings fun!), Kiosks, lectures and a lot of crazy cakes!

Exhibitors will be there including Caro's sugar magic cakes and stuff . Pie stuff is exclusive with the Cricut Cake here have (they have now also stocked with all the accessories!) and have demonstrations on the stand, so that one good piece may also see a show.

And, logically, will be Betty's also there! Again, with its own stand, 2 lectures and I'm looking forward to each of the past comes and says hello! There

All information on the show here: The cake Show

See you in Hamburg!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Reinforced Earth Walls

human rights in the canton of Basel-Stadt

Human rights are trampled in the canton of Basel-Stadt by the cantonal authorities Mafia intentionally violated. Both the District Constitution and the Federal Constitution is not for the criminal Basel officials and authorities shall prevail. Arbitrary authority and authorities in crime include the Basel administrative order of the day. The criminal mafia authorities a danger to all honest citizens.

Article 5 Principles constitutional action

one basis and limit of state action is the law.

reality: In Switzerland there is no legal system, but only a system of power. The federal court based solely on the records of the courts below. The state organs are protected by the federal court in most cases.

2 State must act in the public interest and be proportionate.

reality: H. teachers will intentionally by the State authorities, and slandered as a self-dangerous alien to him as possible to cause more losses. This state action is not proportionate, but criminal.

3 State organs and individuals act in good faith.

reality: Although H. teachers always act in good faith, the state bodies systematically abusing their power. H. teachers is even by the Federal Court not once taken seriously.

Article 6 Individual and Social Responsibility

Each person takes responsibility for the exercise itself and contributes to its power to tackle the tasks of government and society.

reality: H. After instructor takes responsibility for himself and the invitation of the Public health service does not follow legally, the school board can escalate the situation by completely slandered the integrity teachers as a potential running amok and it clings to an illegal criminal proceedings.

Article 7

human dignity Human dignity must be respected and protected.

reality: The school board completely slandered the integrity teacher because of his political persuasion intentionally as mentally ill and dangerous offenders. This respects and protects the dignity of the teacher is not in the least, but hurt them systematically.

Article 8 right to equality

1 All human beings are equal before the law. No one shall be discriminated against, including the grounds of origin, race, sex, age, language, social position, way of life, religious, philosophical or political beliefs or because of physical, mental or emotional disability.

reality: Because teachers H. does not represent the "correct" political opinion, he is discriminated against by all state bodies as "dangerous" offenders. For all employment law court cases it will be investigated by civilian police for weapons.

Article 9 Protection against arbitrary and preservation of good faith

Each person is entitled to it by the state organs without arbitrariness and in good faith to be treated.

reality: H. teacher is treated by all State organs deliberately arbitrary. Even after the criminal procedure against a teacher for allegedly threatening to be the Administrative Court President Marie-Louise browse master the teacher several times by the police for weapons.

Article 10 Right to life and personal liberty

1 Every person has the right to life. The death penalty is prohibited.

2 Everyone has the right to personal liberty, and in particular physical and mental Integrity, and freedom of movement.

reality: The School Board tries to freedom of movement of the teacher with a generic welfare imprisonment (FFE) to limit illegal. When you do not succeed, the state bodies the integrity teacher, a special unit completely agitate on the neck and push him for 24 hours, unlawful and arbitrary detention in isolation. The school board is forcing the teacher to examine can be dictated by one of her psychiatrist. H. As a teacher takes the liberty to consult their own psychiatrist, he receives a "Termination for" for alleged "serious misconduct".

3 Torture and any other form of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment are prohibited.

reality: H. After instructor of the special unit is torn to the ground and without resistance handcuffed on his stomach and is struggling for air, missed him by the State authorities without any reason or a blindfold. Afterwards, he must take off before the police several times and undergo so-called "body searches".

Article 16 of expression and freedom of information

1 expression and freedom of information is guaranteed.

reality: H. teachers informed in a separate blog about the arbitrary and illegal actions of the various State organs. Under threat of termination is forced by H. teachers of the school authority to delete any information that the employer's concern Basel-Stadt. There he was assumed by the highest authority, to "discriminate" authorities and officials.

2 Everyone has the right to make their views freely and to express freely and disseminate it.

reality: After H. teachers threatening to terminate its information is deleted from his blog to spread anonymous authors of the latest news about the state attacks against the integrity teachers. The school board makes the teacher responsible for it and throws it "defamatory" Comments prior to him to withdraw again.

3 Everyone has the right to receive and impart information freely, to gather it from generally accessible sources and disseminate it.

reality: It may be disseminated only information that is not "subversive." Who is "crime authorities" informed, allegedly damaged the reputation of the state bodies.

Article 29 General safeguards

1 Every person has within in proceedings before courts and administrative bodies are entitled to equal and fair treatment and to assess a reasonable time.

reality: The state organs may be as much time as they want. The private prosecution against the school board because of "defamation" is also three years after the offense, the school board has not yet come to trial.

2 The parties are entitled to be heard.

reality: The so-called "legislative hearing" we will be consulted, but by the State authorities not taken seriously. This applies to the District Courts and the Federal Court.

3 Any person who does not have the necessary funds, is entitled to legal aid, if not their legal request appears hopeless. Where it is necessary to safeguard their rights, it has also entitled to free legal advice.

reality: An applicant for legal aid, it must describe the state authorities of its financial situation in detail. Only those who live on welfare will receive legal aid. Before the official administrative act must be paid hefty advances. In the fight for his rights teacher H. was forced by the State authorities to pay more than CHF 10'000 .- court fees.

Article 30 Judicial proceedings

1 Every person implicated in a judicial proceeding must be assessed, is entitled to one established by law as competent, independent and impartial tribunal. Courts of exception are prohibited.

reality: The courts are neither independent nor impartial. The laws are designed entirely arbitrary, so that the state always wins in the end. Lawsuits against state institutions by the Federal Court rejected systematically.

2 Any person against whom a civil action is brought has the right to have the matter is judged by the court of residence. The law may provide a different jurisdiction.

reality: In every canton do the same authorities. It is not about law, but primarily about power. The separation of powers does not exist. It is a big lie, with the People pretends to be a constitutional state, which does not exist in reality.

3 trial and sentencing are public. The law may provide for exceptions.

reality: H. teachers will be barred from criminal Basel twice by a public hearing. As teachers each H. is the only in the audience sits, it is easily the relevant court president, a public hearing in a closed convert. This practice shows that governments have something to hide obviously.

Article 35 establishing the fundamental rights

1 The fundamental rights must come in the entire legal system.

Reality: The basic rights are violated by the state apparatus systematically intentionally. Who wants to fight it, must take the path on the way up to the European Court of Justice in purchasing. This route will cost enormous amounts of time, money and nerves. Switzerland is regularly condemned by the European Court of Justice for violation of fundamental rights. Statistics on this issue is related to but very difficult.

2 Who performs state functions, is bound to respect fundamental rights and obligation to contribute to their realization.

reality: In reality, I find instead the opposite. The state institutions systematically violate the fundamental rights. Libel, slander, Abuse, Amtsanmassung, false accusation, false witness, deceit the administration of justice, coercion, threat, violation of professional secrecy and simple assault are among the federal courts protected resources of the state bodies, the common people from the people to suppress.

3 The authorities shall ensure that fundamental rights, if they are fit to be effective even in private.

Reality: Again, the opposite is true. Private, who still believe in human rights, of the state bodies with arbitrary state power systematically denigrated "preventive".

Article 36 Restrictions on fundamental rights

require a restriction of fundamental rights of a legal basis. Severe restrictions must be provided in the Act itself. Except for cases of serious, imminent and unavoidable danger otherwise.

reality: With this article, the basic rights of citizens are always limited. Anyone who interferes with the state authorities may at any time as "serious, imminent and unavoidable danger" restricted in their fundamental rights. H. teachers have become victims of this Article. The Federal Court dismisses the appeal of the teacher in its Judgement of 23 November 2009 with the usual Phrases from.

two restrictions on fundamental rights must be justified by public interest or the protection of fundamental rights of third parties. Who are discussed the criminal energy of the state bodies, stigmatized must reckon with by the authorities as mentally ill and dangerous:

reality. Who allegedly "mentally ill", it is restricted in his fundamental rights. This can lead to multi-day isolation in a closed psychiatric institution. Who is there does not want to tie to the bed is forcibly pumped full of neuroleptics. Only those who give up any resistance, and life takes neuroleptics is considered to be cured.

3 Limitations of fundamental rights must be proportionate.

reality: The goal of the school board, the basic rights of teachers H. restrict failed thoroughly. It is the school board failed to discredit H. teachers as "mentally ill" people and it locked away until further notice at a psychiatric hospital. In their fight against teachers H. concerned all state organs have exceeded the relatively massive. Unfortunately, the Federal Court as the last instance of national law the criminal acts of the Basel authorities deliberately covered up Mafia.

4 The core content of fundamental rights is inviolable.

reality: The state authorities have the monopoly on violence. Every day the authorities violate the fundamental rights of citizens. Who processed against the authorities to lose much time, money and nerves. Who will protect citizens against this rogue state?